Core Training Sweden 2016-2017

As AEDP so powerfully demonstrates, deep and positive transformations occur in the context of safe, supportive and positive relationships. The Core Training Program offers a quintessential opportunity to learn the theory and practice of AEDP in the inspiring company of other motivated colleagues. These groups integrate a primary focus on supervision from videotape with didactic presentations and demonstrations from Senior Faculty.

This Core Training group with meet intensively for four, three-day weekends over the course of a year (September 2016 to September 2017) and consist of 10-12 members. The concentrated time that members spend together immersed in learning AEDP fosters a culture of trust and generosity which allows for the risk-taking of exposing one’s own videotaped work, opportunities to learn from the work of others, and a supportive environment for optimizing the integration of experiential and reflective learning.

The Core Training Program offers an intensive, synergistic, three-pronged approach to learning AEDP:

1)    An explicitly supportive and expansive collegial environment that can nurture the professional development of individual group members both in their local areas and within the greater AEDP community.

2)     Didactic seminars by Senior Faculty of the AEDP Institute who will present AEDP theory and demonstrate its clinical applications through extensive videotaped illustrations of their work.

3)    linical supervision segments during which each group member will have the opportunity to present their videotaped sessions and receive individual supervision from Senior Faculty in a group setting.


Ronald Frederick, Ph.D., will helm the group and will be joined by Eileen Russel, PhD, and Benjamin Lipton, LCSW.



September, 2-4, 2016          Ronald J. Frederick, PhD
January, 20-22, 2017          Eileen Russel, PhD
May, 19-21, 2017,                  Benjamin Lipton, PhD
September 1-3, 2017            Ronald J. Frederick, PhD

 Fee:            $875 (US Dollars) per weekend.                  

If you would like to take advantage of this exciting learning opportunity or would like further information, please contact
Magdalena Bluhme at
Ron Frederick at

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