ראיונות עם דיאנה פושה

There are several Interviews available online:

1. Wise Counsel Interview  Oct 2011 Diana talks about the specific features of AEDP. Audio and transcript available

Somatic Perspectives. Diana explains about AEDP and gives a nice example of how to start an interview with a patient. Audio and transcripts available

3. Psicoterapia Integrativa. 1h hour long videotaped interview, about how Diana is in this as a person, attachment and other unique aspects of AEDP. Video, audio and transcript available.

4a. Psychotherapy Networker 3 excerpts from  interview on emotion revolution 1 — 2 — 3 –& full interview
4b. Psychotherapy Networker small excerpt from commercially available interview on Trauma

5 AEDP Diana Fosha Interview – Psychotherapy.net Transcript Only

6. Diana Fosha on AEDP: Trusting Vitality , 50 minutes Interview